the funds needed to support your family during times of incapacity, you can either talk to a professional or do your own research into the most appropriate method to declare the disability. One of the most important things to consider with disability is knowing the difference in SSDI as well as SSI. The following video will clarify what the distinction is between these two and suggest the best option for each.
SSI stands for the term supplemental security income and is the most popular way to get disability benefits. The ssdi on the other hand, uses different elements to decide how much the money you make. In accordance with the cost-of living estimation, SSI will give you the maximum of 800 dollars. In addition, it considers prior salary and earnings. Therefore, an ssdi will be likely to earn additional money every month thus making it a more popular option. Ssi can be used to cover medical expenses, but it’s more difficult to manage medical. Consult a doctor before selecting your choice of method for Disability collection.